With the intent to add a little more merriness and brightness to our holiday - we piled in the Yukon with our neighbors and headed up to Lake Lanier to see the Magical Nights of Lights at Lake Lanier Islands. We learned we could squeeze three carseats for three tots - three and under across the back of the Yukon and loaded up William 3, Madison 18 months and Kendall 21 months. Brian and Jeff sat in the front and Jill and I prepared ourselves for a long winter's drive in the 3rd Row Back. Less than 10 miles into the trip - we realized we forgot Kendall's beloved "Baby" and soon wondered how Magical the Nights of Lights would be for the tots!
Finally arriving with our half off depot coupon in hand - we headed straight for Santa's Village so the tots could run. We took a free ride on the train and bypassed the other overpriced rides escaping the gift store with only one 89 cent cookie for William.
Now onto the main attraction - the nights! I don't know what I was expecting- but it was certainly not this! Seven miles of driving with blinking light displays in various Christmas forms - animals - spongebob - castles - you get the picture! Then all of a sudden we heard such a clatter - a tiny tot screaming - the lights just didn't matter! How many miles did we have to go? How much screaming - can more car endure? One tot, two tot, three tot - no more - they were all screaming - so much for the light show! Then as fast as it started they started to fade - one by one - off, off and away. To dreamland they went - one by one - as we pulled into our driveway - the evening done!