School is out and summer is here! We are in the midst of some big changes in the Lossie Home! William said BYE BYE DIAPERS last Friday and we are in the midst of BOOTCAMP POTTY TRAINING! So far - he is doing very well and we're very proud of him! We have the house stocked with a potty on each level and so far we've potty'ed on command with only a few accidents. Maybe later this week we'll venture out of the house and see how it goes :)
While William is saying BYE BYE DIAPERS - Madison is saying BYE BYE BOTTLE. William was addicted to his pacifer - but gave up his bottle at 9 months - Madison never really took a pacifer - but is having a hard time giving up her bottle. We finally found a sippy cup she likes and the bottle is going bye bye.
They're growing up so fast. No more babies in the Lossie House - now we have TWO TOTS!