Happy Valentines to my Sweet William, Mad-Pie and Brian! Today Brian asked what happened to the special Valentines Day dinners I used to cook :) Just a couple years ago it was stuffed lobster - now - well keeping with the seafood theme it's take-out sushi while the kids watch Finding Nemo - Ok - maybe not the best combination! But life has changed and WE LOVE IT! Madison now goes up and down the stairs by herself. Great - because she's getting so independent - Bad because yesterday - the kids got into some spackle Brian left in the hallway - bad idea. The Terror Team came marching down the stairs with William proudly announcing - Look at Maaason - she's a SNOW BUNNY! Yep - Madi somehow - got spackled - head to toe and so did the stairs and most of the upstairs hallway. I was very thankful for the brand new vacuum - probably not the best way to break it in!!! Later that evening with the kids slumbering in their beds - I decided to take a bath - only to find my tub was full of dinosaurs. I had laugh - kids spackling themselves - a bath tub full of dinosaurs - life has sure changed - but we still love it. Happy Valentines Day!