Happy Halloween 2011! What a fun season it is! Both kids are now old enough to kinda understand Halloween! They had a fun timing turning into ghosts and scaring each other and carving pumpkins! This year, William dressed up as Lightening McQueen from Cars and Madison was Snow White. We went to our neighborhood Halloween party then the kids set out with their glow sticks to treat or treat around the neighborhood. This was Madi's first year trick or treating and she made it around the whole neighborhood and was ever the social butterfly chatting up all the neighbors and telling any kid who passed who much candy she had!!! William is our quiet, reserved child who keeps asking to move somewhere warmer so he can wear shorts again! It wasn't too cold tonight - probably in the 50's!!! So happy Halloween 2011 - what a night - it's so fun now that the kids are old enough to enjoy it!