Today I had a date with Will and Madi and took them to Disney on Ice! They both really enjoyed it - but I have to say Madi - REALLY enjoyed it! With her giant box of popcorn (she was sharing with bro and mommy) she was glued to her seat. She wanted to wear her one of her princess dresses to the occasion and was torn between Belle and Snow White and finally settled on Belle.
I wish I could have captured the look on her face when Tinkerbell (one of her favorites) flew across the ice - she looked at me in complete awe and said - there's Tinker Bell Mommy - there she is! She really believed with all of her little heart that the Tinker Bell she loved from Peter Pan was really real!
We saw Pirates and The Lion King and all kinds of creatures and critters from Disney Adventures.... but the very end was Madi's favorite. All of the princesses with their prince charmings came out and danced on the ice. As each princess appeared - Madi cheered louder and louder and just could not contain herself. When Belle skated by - she waved at Madi and blew her a kiss and Madi was so excited - Belle waved at me Mommy!
Watching my little girl all dressed up in her princess dress with awe and enchantment in her eyes. She loves princesses so much - I truly believe she believes they really exist. I know some day her prince will come and she won't be my little girl anymore. I hope she has the whole fairy tale - I love that little girl with all of my heart and then some and I will never forgot today - just watching her - my little princess - the world is hers - and dreams really do come true when you're two - going on three!