Welcome to the fam - Hudson Ryan Lossie!
On Wednesday January 25 we received a call around 2pm in the afternoon that a birthmother had picked our family to adopt her baby. The only catch - we had to be in Oklahoma the very next morning for his birth!
Thanks to our amazing friends - The Bowmans - we were able to quickly put a plan in place - and ship the Chunkies off to their home (with three kiddies of their own!) and fly to Oklahoma. And oh - please take my kids to pre-school and my son to baseball try-outs - no problem we got it - with a smile!!!! Now THOSE are some really good friends! With our first baby - our social worker told us - not to worry if we don't have anything ready - a baby could sleep in a drawer! I thought she was crazy!!! Now I'm totally banking on that theory as I stuff oneies, sleepers and blankets into my suitcase - any color but pink!!! I dis-assemble the bouncy - toss in a couple of burp clothes -and bibs and we're off! Oh yeah - the stroller and carseat - after NYC - we killed it- but maybe it can get through one more kid! I can buy diapers and formula at a gas station - worse case scenario since we're going to the middle of nowhere Oklahoma!!!! Do I have a crib set-up a room decorated - a closet full of clothes - HECK NO - but we'll deal! On the plane ride - we fired up the iPad and discussed baby names and eventually went back to Hudson - the name we had picked out for Madison - when we thought she was a boy! We added Ryan as an updated form of Brian!
We landed in Wichita, Kansas - rented a looser cruiser and drove 2 hours to Ponca City, Oklahoma passing tumbleweed after tumbleweed and plenty of oil pumps.
After a quick lunch at Perkins (the only chain restaurant we recognized) - we arrived at the hospital in middle of nowhere Oklahoma with population 200 + 1 more (and 2 more if you count us city folk) and met our sweet Hudson. Born January 26, 2012 - weighing in at 7.13 and 20 inches long - apparently an ice storm baby -like the rest of the babies in the jam-packed wing! Our boy was a sweet natured, good eater, good sleeper, totally mellow, chill baby - like his big brother - but with a whole head of wispy blond, surfer dude hair. The kid had more hair than our dear daughter at 2!
The hospital staff could not be nicer - they treated us like rock stars! We were given our own room and meals and Hudson to care for as soon as we arrived! We were surprised to learn - this was this tiny hospital's third adoption of the week!
After 36 hours - we got the green light to leave the hospital with our Hudson. Pending review of the 1000+ pieces of paperwork and FBI profiles we had completed to adopt this child - we were not allowed to leave the state - so as fate works out - one of my best friends had just moved to Tulsa! She graciously welcomed us - and the Hudson Hornet into her home with her hubby and 5 year old twins. Brian flew home on Saturday night - and added single dad to his duties of CEO/President of a company and somehow survived the week - with some help from some really great friends!
Hudson and I got our orders to leave Oklahoma on Thursday and flew back to Georgia later that afternoon. The whole fam picked us up at the airport - and William was the most excited. Is this my new brother - I'm sitting in the back now Mommy to make room for him. My new brother - my new brother - what's name again Mommy?
So here we are - a Party of 5 - our family complete - our dreams complete - somehow, someway - they all found their way home - each and every one of them!

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