The sight of the Easter Bunny in the mall sent both children into tears - so we opted for a shot with the more natural looking Easter Bunny - REAL BUNNIES! With the kids frocked and smocked in their Spring Best - we loaded up the car for our adventure to Learning Express. Madi just LOVES LOVES LOVES animals and couldn't get enough of the petting zoo outside the store. William was just kinda like - whatever! He was all psyched up to hold the bunny for his picture and even thought about what color bunny he wanted - a white one! We go inside for the picture - and William hops up on the bench and asks to hold a white bunny - and his handed a black one instead - but he doesn't seem to care. Then we pop up sister on the bench - only to have a complete meltdown. Nothing is worse than a screaming, kicking child in a fancy dress and big bow. We decided to just do the picture with William - but suddenly Madison had a change of heart. She started playing with the bunnies and somehow turned it around. We popped her back up on the bench and she was happily playing with her little white bunny - they even gave her one to hold and she did GREAT! So I FINALLY got my wish - two toddlers - dressed in their spring best - smiling ear to ear in unison - holding their little Easter Bunnies! What more can I ask for :) HAPPY EASTER!
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