As we fast approach "The Terrible Two's" - I'm thinking what we can be so terrible - The Mad - has been pretty bad - since - well birth!!!! The non-sleeping YEARS - the stubborn YEARS - she's a little miss independence with a mind of her own - that is for sure. She's quite the smart little cookie though - dragging over some toliet paper to make herself a comfy seat - potty training herself - screaming bloody murder in crib so mom and dad would have to convert it to a big girl bed - pretty crafty! Her favorite person is William - or "Brother" as she calls him - followed by Mugsy - and then Daddy and me fall in line somewhere! We were at the doc the other day because she's fighting a bad stomach bug and got weighed and measured - we were shocked to learn she is 36 1/4 inches and 32 pounds! That puts her off the charts for height and in the 75% for weight. Her length is all in her legs - which means after 2 she'll be officially banned from skirts, dresses and short shorts! Oh The Mad - we just love her to pieces!

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