Oh the 3 1/2 year old. The things William says these days - he is just cracking me up! I decided to write down some of the best - before I forget - because I know it will be way too soon :(
Our best conversations seem to take place in the car:
Mommy - Maaaason's my best friend. Isn't that Nice? Me: Yes, William, that's very nice. And Davis is my best friend too. And Brooke, and Jay, and Jasper and Jakob. Isn't that nice Mommy? Me: Yes, William, I'm happy you have so many friends. William: And Josie too. She's my friend but she kicks me sometimes.
Mommy, I like Maason even though she doesn't talk much. Maybe she just needs to think about it more.
Mommy - you're my best friend. Me: What about Madison? William: Ummmm - she can have Daddy.
Davis, Jay and Jakob, they're my boys Mommy - they're my boys!
Saying our prayers one night. Me: Is there anyone you want to add. William: Yes. And God Bless Davis, Miss Jill, Mr. Jeff, Kenall. Me: Ok - anyone else? God Bless Lightening McQueen and Mater and Doc and the blue car and Blue Bear. Me: Ok - are you all done? William: And... and... (thinking hard!)God Bless Costco!!! Night Night Mommy.
Brian on a long business trip - William wakes up. Did Daddy still move to Texas? William, he's WORKING in Texas, he's coming home in a couple of days. No Mommy - he lives in Texas at the Hotel Motel Holiday Inn.
The kids on the couch watching Toy Story. Maaason - that's Buzz Lightyear - say Buzz Lightyear? Madison: BUZZZZZZ. William: He says, To Infinity AND BEYOND!!! Say it Maason! Madison: Abeeee A Booo Baaaaaaa!
We're all in the car - I park it in driveway instead of the garage. William: Mommy - you need to put your car in the garage, someone might take it if you leave it sitting around in the driveway! (Exactly what I tell him every night with his Lightening McQueen Car & Bike!)
Picking up William at school - Teacher - big smile tells me congrats - William told me he's getting a NEW sister! No - I tell her - he's NOT getting new sister. Are you sure asks teacher - he seems really excited. Yes - I'm very sure. She looks at my funny. Madison walks into William's class. Teacher (who knows Madison - plays with William) Who's this? William: This is my sister Maaason. Little girl hugs her. You can have her - I'm getting a NEW sister - Maaason's too MEAN. I wink at teacher.