My sweet little Madi-Cakes is two years old! Where has the time gone. Brian is flying back from Houston tonight - exactly two years today - Brian and I were flying TO Houston to wait for the arrival of the Mad-Pie. She arrived at 8:32pm on May 21 - a birthday she shares with her cousin Casey! So what is little Miss Madison up to these days! Well - she is seriously tall - a month ago she was 36 inches - off the charts and weighing in at 32 pounds - we'll see if she grew or chunked up at her appointment on Monday! She's wearing 2T/3T clothes and a size 8W shoe. She has sprouted a head full of brown curls - but they don't seem to be growing as fast as I would like! There's enough hair to get a bow in - or do some mini piggies - but you can't get a picture because she pulls them out too fast! She potty-trained herself at 19 months and go pee-pee on the big potty all by herself - we're still working on #2! She feeds herself - is starting to dress herself and is just a Lil Miss Independence. We're a little later talker than "browther" - but we can count to ten and sing some of our ABCs - we know our colors shapes and can identify letters by sight better than we can them! Her little motor skills are just off the charts - she loves to draw and can trace her name and almost write it!!! We love playing soccer, t-ball and running and jumping like a maniac :) But she's also super girly and loves loves loves her baby dolls and loves to wear anything fluffy or twirly! Speaking of twirly girls - Madison is starting ballet at her preschool - hopefully she'll meet the requirement of "pulling hair back into a ponytail or bun" soon! She loves Hip Hop and Country - when a country song comes on in the car - she claps along to it - when hip hop comes on - she rocks out and has some serious moves. Her favs are Beyonce and Rhianna! Happy Birthday Madison - you are the truly a Wild Child with fierce determination and a mind of your own - we hope you keep your spirit - but take it down just a notch so we can keep up with you :)
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