Since the Chunkies are growing so fast - I decided pre-Easter would be the perfect time to get some quick professional pix of the two of them. I guess I had a dream of the two of them holding hands - smiling faces - skipping through the tulips - NOT. They do actually do this when we pick brother up at school. You see - they are both little pranksters - true partners in crime and they do this to spite me - I see the smirks in their eyes. They love the oohs and ahhs and hands clutching hearts as the bystanders admire my "perfect children." See - now I'm in on the joke too! Photo session Take #1 - total wash-out. A screaming Mad - a bad William - we didn't even have the OPPORTUNITY to take a single picture. So my dear friend Megan tells me about a mini-session a photog she knows is doing. Perfect. Schedule. Hair cut, outfits pressed, smile practiced - good to go - except the weather didn't agree. RAINED OUT. Photo Session Take #3 - RAINED OUT - again. So the fourth time is the charm - right? New hair-cut - clothes pressed -smiles practiced - here we go. And fast forward a couple months later here it is - Madison almost two and William 3 1/2. Enjoy!
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